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- SPCA Coin Drive
SPCA Coin Drive
For the month of November, HIC is going to be doing a coin drive… with a purpose. Something tangible we can move towards so we know where the coins we are donating are going. We also wanted to restrict it to a charity in Hawaii so we can do the most good in our own backyard. The result… a coin drive for the SPCA – Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Along with coins we’ll also be collecting wish list items (full list at end of blog post).

We’ll put up some handmade jars around the office today. Anytime you have any change, even a penny, please throw it in the jar. Paper bills are accepted too, it will all go to a fantastic cause.
Places you can find spare change:
- That giant penny jar you know you all have at home;
- The extra change that exists in your pocket after you buy plate lunch;
- Spare change just laying around on your desk, looking for a new home.
- Start a swear jar, then donate the contents. That’s how the CMS team has managed to fill so much of the jars already…
Twitter, Facebook, Yelp & SPCA website
What is the SPCA?
Founded in April 2009, the Oahu SPCA is a no-kill animal shelter in Kapolei, Hawaii that rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes more than 100 animals each month.
What do they do?
- Run the largest animal shelter in Hawaii based on a “no-kill” philosophy.
- Rescue, rehabilitate and re-home more than 100 animals each month.
- Currently caring for more than 200 animals in their shelter.
- Saved more than 1,400 animals in their first year of operations (2011)
- Provides services such as spay and neuter clinic, microchipping, vaccinations, nail trims, ear cleaning and more.
- The Oahu SPCA is the primary organization on Oahu that fosters or shelters companion animals, enabling the homeless to enter into these facilities. The proximity of their shelter to Kumunonua Transitional Housing in Kapolei allows the people in residence there the opportunity to visit and care for their companion animals, just blocks away. This opportunity is a viable alternative to life on the beaches or streets. Most of Oahu‘s homeless population have and rely on their companion animals, and in many cases these animals are the only ‘ohana they have. Caring for displaced people is only half the equation; the displaced animals must be cared for as well. All of the ninety-one animals saved during the Ma’ili Point Rescue are receiving much-needed care.
Kenneling supplies
- Nails
- Hammers
- Drills
- Screws
- Screw Drivers
- Wire Cutters
Cleaning supplies
- Bleach
- Paper Towels
- Dawn Dish Washing Soap
- Dish Washing Soap
- Garbage Bags Large and Tall Kitchen sizes
- Dust Pans/Scoopers
- Rakes with small (to scoop poop)
- Commercial Mops/ Buckets
- Brooms
- Hand Sanitizers
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Kleenex
- Scrub sponges (Scrub Pads (green) to scrub out food bowls)
- Brushes to scrub out food bowls
- laundry soap
- Fabric Softener (sheets)
- Disposable Gloves
- Laundry Baskets
- Laundry Carts
Office supplies
- Pens
- Copy Paper
- Colored Copy Paper
- Note Pads
- Index Cards
- Clip Boards
- Staplers, Staples
- Dry Erase Boards
- Dry Erase Pens
- Sharpies
- Scissors
- Manila Folders (left and right tabs)
- Books about Cats and Dogs
- DVD’s with Cat and Dog Themes
Dog/cat supplies
- Floor Scale
- Lupine Collars & Leashes (Solid Colors)
- Microchip Scanner & Pole Scanner
Items used in quantity, on a daily basis
- Dry dog and cat food (Nutro – Dog Food, Lamb/Rice or Chicken/Rice)
- Nutro Canned Dog Food
- Nutro Kitten Food
- Canned Cat/Kitten Food
- Nutro Puppy Food
- Nutro Weight Control Dog/Cat Food
- Digestive Dog Food
- Skin Allergy Dog Food
- Cat Litter (clay, clumping and ABM wood pellets) from Land O’ Lakes
- Spam (used to give meds to the dogs)
- Vienna Sausage
- Dog and Cat Crates
- Cedar Shavings (for dog kennels) Land O’ Lakes
Soft donations
- Dog and Cat Toys
- Hand Towels
- Towels
- Sheets
- Blankets
Large donation items
- Commercial Stainless Steel Sinks to wash bowls
- Stainless Steel Counter/Table Tops
- Non Porous Stone Surface
- Air Conditioners
- Industrial Washer/Dryer
- Commercial Floor Fans
- Generators (in the event power goes out)
- Hand Trucks
- Fire Extinguishers
- File Cabinets
- Weed Whackers
- Utility Carts
- Trash Cans
- Shelving
- Printer with Ink Cartridges
- Scanner/Copier/Fax
- PA System
- Ladders – 6 to 12 foot ladders
- Commercial Floor Scrubber, walk behind
- Steamer
- Power Washer
- Clothes Display
- Display Shelves
- Shop Vacuum
- Fencing Material
- Blenders
- Food Processors
- Freezer
- Hoses and Spray Nozzles
- Paint Satin Finish
- Kennels from Home Depot
- Kitchen Cabinets
- Kitchen Sink and Counter Top
- Toilets
- Bathroom Sink and Vanity
- Ceramic Tile
- Glass Block
- Hot Water Tanks
We’ve done a lot to help restore the ‘aina and our fellow islanders, now let’s help some animals.