The Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) is dedicated to providing for a safer community through prevention, preparedness, and effective emergency response. The site makes it easy for users to find information on common topics including firecrackers, permits, inspections, and in-depth fire and life safety information.
A modern new look
Prior to the redesign, the website was 15+ years old, had a very dated design and was built in a system that made website updates difficult to complete. HFD came to us seeking a more contemporary design that incorporated real photos to accurately represent the important work that they do in our communities.
Educating the public
The primary goal of the website is educating the public about fire prevention and community risk reduction. Detailed fire and life safety pages were written and curated specifically for homeowners, businesses, keiki, and kupuna. In these sections you can find safety tips, fire escape plans, how to use and care for fire extinguishers, kitchen and cooking safety, fall prevention and more.

Request form
The online request for information form allows citizens to request fire incident reports, property records or schedule a variety of fire safety education events including fire safety presentations.

Resources for kids
Some of our favorite sections are targeted at our keiki. Parents and teachers can download free printable pages that help teach fire and life safety in both English and Hawaiian. You can also download the entire library of Fire Fighters Safety Guides going all the way back to 1986!

Additional site features
- Mobile-friendly, responsive web design that works across all handheld devices
- Media library which consolidates all news releases, videos, and social media
- Frequently asked questions section containing answers for hot topics such as lighting imu, firecracker permits, and employment opportunities
- Compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) web accessibility requirements
Award winning
The new website has been the recipient of five awards since launch.