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June Event: Trail Work in Manoa

On Saturday, Rosie met up with the Sierra Club and Na Ala Hele once again to do some trail work on Manoa falls, for the second week in a row.

The day started very similarly to last Saturday except the work group was much smaller. Made up of a regular group of Sierra Club volunteers and some of the H.U.R.T. folks, they quickly got to work. It was also National Trails Day. There had been some flooding in the mountains which caused much of the gravel in key locations to get pushed farther down the trail. One job was to essentially pick up this gravel and redistribute it back to its proper locations but they also finished breaking apart the boardwalk from last week and hauling the rest of the pieces out.

Work has finished for a few months on this trail, but it’s sure to pick up again after for the final improvements.

  • Hour tally: 5 hours
  • Prep and organizing: 1 hour

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